Samsung launched the Galaxy Tab S4 recently and brought a new contender in its tablet range which is the successor to the Galaxy Tab S3. Now, with the Galaxy Tab S4 Samsung has developed PC like compatibility so you can do all your personal tasks in an easier manner while you’re on the go and this feature can be used through the Samsung DEX.
Along, with the Samsung DEX, Galaxy Tab S4 also stars other features like the long-lasting battery, redefined S-Pen for more productivity, more immersive entertainment anytime anywhere and much more…
Let’s Check out the Specifications and Highlight Features of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S4:
Design & Display
Battery & Audio
Camera & Bixby
Samsung DEX and S Pen
The PC like functionality for multitasking can be more effective and user-friendly with the S Pen, the multifunctional S Pen brings in many productivity tools along with it and helps you to work without any hassle. Its features like Screen off Memo which lets you write whenever you get any awesome ideas on the screen even when its off, Live Message to create handwritten animated notes in the conversation and translate words or phrase with just a swipe of the S Pen. All these characteristics and tools assist you to be more productive and stay focused on your work.
Pricing & Availablity
- 4GB RAM + 64GB Storage – $650
- 4GB RAM + 64GB Storage – $750
Looks a perfect Tab for all the workers who like to enjoy working on the go and along with cool benefits from the Samsung services.