Home Blogger Beginners Guide: Basic Settings Required to Improve SEO in Blogger

Beginners Guide: Basic Settings Required to Improve SEO in Blogger

by Henry Emmanuel

There’s this beautiful saying that “When you want something good done well, then do it yourself”.

In this article I am going to share some important basic blogger settings compulsory for everybody who wants to start a free blog using the blogger platform. This basic settings helps to improve SEO (search engine optimization) ranking, blog permission, search visibility and most importantly Robot.txt.

How to setup basic settings in blogger

1. Login to your blogger account
2. Goto Dashboard>Settings>Basic

You will see some options there namely..
Title: Enter the title of your blog
Description: Enter the description of your blog not more than 150-160 character long.
Privacy: Tick  yes in other to help search engine bots crawl your web pages.

Adding Multiple Author to your blogger blog.

Just like WordPress enables its user to add multiple authors so does blogger. All you have to do is to invite the person whom you want to add to your blogger blog. As soon as he/she accepts the invitation, it will be added to your blogger account as an author.

How to change Language and timezone in blogger

Mostly at times, people neglect this because they think its not of essence but you have to change this settings too. By default, the language and time zone is set to English (United Kingdom) and (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time respectively. You have to change this settings to your country timezone and language.

 Setting up optimized search preference

1. Login to your blogger account

2. Goto Dashboard>Settings>Search Preferences
3. Enable search description to yes.
4. Enter the description of your blog not more than 150 characters long. Remember that your blog description should match your niche.
5. Click on save button to make the changes permanent.

How to add custom Robot.txt to blogger..

Robots.txt is a simple text file that contains few lines of code. By default Robots.txt file is saved on the website or blog server which instructs the web crawlers to scan, index and crawl any web pages of your blog or website. Note that if any webpages is restricted, then the page can’t be indexed in search engines.
1. Login to your blogger account
2. Goto Dashboard>Settings>Search preferences>Crawlers and indexing then enable Custom Robot.txt to  Yes.
3. Paste the below code into your robots.txt box and click on Save Changes button.

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *

Disallow: /search?q=*

Allow: /

Settings up custom robot.txt header tags in blogger.

After successfully setting up robots.txt file for your blog. You also have to setup custom robots header tags in blogger. This feature was introduced by bloggers developers to improve our blog visibility on search engines.
1. Login to your blogger account
2. Goto Dashboard>Settings>Search preferences
3. Click on custom header tag and Tick Yes. Now follow below screenshot for better optimization.
4. Click on Save changes to enable permanent save.


Guess its easy right? Now you have successfully mastered the basic settings for blogger. Drop comment below!



Henry emmanuel October 31, 2016 - 10:39 pm

You're welcome sir.

About adding multiple author, Login to your blogger dashboard, Goto settings>basic and look for permission/blog author section. Now click on the "add author" link

Enter the email address for each author you would like to invite, separating each address with a comma.

Click "Invite authors" button at the bottom once you're done. And that's it!

To remove author simply click the Remove icon next to the author email address.

Sorry for the late reply.

Xparrow Ogwuche October 31, 2016 - 10:24 pm

Nice post! Henry, but how can adding multiple author help in Seo?


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